30 August 2008

Q & A

Things have been slow here the past week. And since some of you have been writing in with questions about Area 51, myself, and the general truthfulness of this blog, I thought I’d take a few moments and answer some of them. Here goes:

Do you really work at Area 51?


Then how are you posting these things without getting caught?

As I’ve said before, all the names and some of the situations have been changed to maintain anonymity. But as an added protection, I’m not the one who actually posts the entries. The blog is set up and run by a friend of mine, who shall remain confidential in order to avoid a nice vacation to Guantanamo Bay. I send him emails with the postings in code, and he puts them on Blogger. There’s also a time lag of five to eight weeks from when the events actually take place, which keeps the brass from connecting the dots.

Hey d00d! alot of the crap you talk about seems liek bullshit. Explain yourself!

Like it says in the blog title, I’m a janitor, not a scientist. I fully admit that I don’t understand some of these bigger science-y concepts. I try to self-educate via the Internet, but if I get some of my facts/numbers/laws of the universe wrong, oh well. I chose playing “The Legend of Zelda” over doing well in Particle Physics 202.

If you can’t leave the bunker, what do you do for fun?

Well, none of us have that much free time. But when I do, I tend to work out, watch movies, or play games. The bunkers have a great on-demand video service, as well as the latest consoles. It was pretty surreal to play the “Area 51” game while sitting in a shielded bunker a half-mile underneath the real Area 51. Lately, I’ve been playing a lot of Wordscraper on Facebook.

How exactly do you write your blog entries?

There’s plenty of computers in the BP9 bunker (fun fact: Area 51 is entirely PC-based), but since all data is downloaded to central servers, I write most of the entries on my Blackberry. It’s still possible for the tech guys to intercept my outgoing emails, but it’s certainly safer than leaving copies lying around on a hard drive. I wrote a simple app for my phone that immediately converts my entries to look like boring regular emails.

Why are you doing this? Don’t you know you could be jailed without trial for like, the rest of your life if the government finds out?

First off, thanks for being concerned about my safety. But since my blog traffic isn’t quite equal yet to say, YouPorn, I think I’m still flying comfortably under the radar. And secondly, to answer the question, I was tired of living in a bubble. Even though I work with all this top-secret stuff, I don’t really get the chance to share it with anybody. I suppose I wanted to feel a bit more like a real person, like I was having an effect on someone, even if it’s only a couple folks in the Midwest.

So thanks for that. As for work, it’s been quiet. Doc Hotness/Claire has been working away at her new equations, and the scuttlebutt is that we may start up testing in a few days. Which hopefully won’t mean more exploding animals for me to clean up.

I’ll keep you posted.

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